61 injured, including 3 in serious condition, 18 in moderate condition, 31 mildly injured, and 9 suffering from anxiety following a drone strike; MDA declared a mass casualty event

This evening, at 19:14, reports were received at MDA’s 101 emergency call center regarding dozens of injuries from a drone strike. Large forces from Magen David Adom were immediately dispatched to the scene, responding in ambulances, mobile intensive care units, and MDA first responders on medicycles, who provided immediate medical treatment to the injured and evacuated them via IDF helicopters and ambulances to hospitals.

Magen David Adom declared a mass casualty event. Dozens of MDA EMTs and paramedics and the IDF medical team provided medical care and evacuated a total of 61 injured, who were treated and transported by MDA and IDF forces. The breakdown is as follows:

3 in serious condition, 18 in moderate condition, 31 in mild condition, 9 suffering from anxiety. 37 casualties were evacuated to hospitals, including: 3 in serious condition, 8 in moderate condition, and 16 lightly injured, along with 9 suffering from anxiety.

4 soldiers have sadly passed away due to the attack.

The distribution of evacuations was as follows:

Laniado – 7 (5 mildly injured, 2 anxiety), Emek – 6 (4 mildly injured, 2 anxiety), Hillel Yaffe – 10 (5 moderate, 5 mildly injured), Rambam – 3 (1 critical, 1 moderate, 1 mild), Sheba – 3 (serious), Carmel – 2 (2 anxiety), Bnei Zion – 3 (3 anxiety), Beilinson – 3 (2 moderate, 1 mild)

During the incident, MDA’s blood services supplied hospitals with 197 blood units and components.

MDA emphasizes that there is no need to come donate blood today; updates on blood donation locations will be available on the MDA website later this week and during the Succot festival.

MDA Paramedic Aviv Cohen, who was at the scene: “We arrived at the scene with in large numbers from Magen David Adom, the injured were evacuated to us, and we began evacuating them via IDF helicopters and ambulances to hospitals. There was a lot of commotion at the scene, and it was a serious event, but we managed to evacuate the injured quickly to hospital for continued medical care.”

MDA paramedic Rafi Sheva reported: “This was a very difficult scene; we declared it a mass casualty event and treated patients suffering from blast injuries and shrapnel. The injuries were severe, and we evacuated the injured to hospitals as quickly as possible for further medical treatment.”

Deputy Manager of MDA Sharon region Amit Dillion stated: “We arrived at the scene with a very large number of mobile intensive care units and ambulances, and the injured were evacuated by helicopters. We scanned the area to ensure there were no additional victims, I managed the scene by organizing the area and forces, and we evacuated the injured as quickly as possible to the hospital.”