Victorian Schools

2024 Activities

Teddy Bear Hospital Excursion

3 senior kinder classes with over 50 students from The King David School visited us in June.

Lots of excited children hopped off the school bus and entered the MDA mock Teddy Hospital. All students brought along their sick and injured teddys and took part in an engaging and educational program.

Students put on their paramedic jackets and learnt how to weigh, measure, x-ray, bandage and administer medicine. Students left with big smiles and well recovered Teddys and an understanding about @magendavidadom and the important work MDA does here and in Israel. Thank you for visiting us King David and meeting Hershy the Teddy Bear.  If you would like to come to our Teddy Bear hospital, please contact Rachel at

Rudy Rochman and Hadas Ehrlich address Jewish Day School Students

Over 350 students for Mt Scopus College, Bialik College and Leibler Yavneh College had the privilege of attending an inspiring event at Caulfield Shule in June as part of our Annual Appeal Launch week where they heard the heartrending story from Magen David Adom Paramedic Hadas Ehrlich on October 7th. She revived critically injured IDF soldiers and shared the connection forged between people during such a horrendous time. Following the students heard from internationally renowned activist and IDF reservist Rudy Rochman who spoke about reframing the narrative to the indigenous revival story of the Jewish people and the essential power of piercing and persistent Israel message. Representatives from each school were able to ask insightful questions as well as engage with Rudy & Hadas following the talk.

Thank you to the wonderful King David School community for generously raising funds to purchase a new First responder Medicycle for MDA during our 2023 Emergency Appeal.

An unbelievable amount of $71,267 was raised. Rachel , our Community Liaison presented The King David School with a certificate acknowledging their incredible fundraising efforts.

The MDA Medicycle with a personalised inscription from KDS is now on the road and ready to attend all emergency calls, saving lives of Israeli civilians throughout Israel.

MDA recently visited the Bat Mitzvah girls at Lamdeni School where they participated in an MDA workshop as part of their Bnie Mitzvah program.

The girls learnt about the lifesaving work that MDA does here and in Israel emphasizing the importance of Tzedakah, Pikuach Nefesh and Tikkum Olam and how they can make a difference.

The girls enthusiastically competed in a quiz where they mastered all the answers. Lots of laughs were shared and girls went home with gifts and a sound knowledge of Magen David Adom.

Thank you for having us Hamerkaz Shelanu.

2023 Activities

The MDA Teddy Bear Hospital visited the Junior and Senior Kinder Students at Leibler Yavneh College!

On Wednesday 6th June The MDA Teddy Bear Hospital visited the Junior and Senior Kinder Students at Leibler Yavneh College!
The students were familiarized with both hospital and medical treatment as well as the work that MDA does in Israel.
The Children brought along their favourite teddy or soft toy and actively participated in the checkup process in the mock hospital acting as the Paramedic of a sick and injured teddy. They participated in the triage process where each child was provided with a paramedic jacket, bandages, medical records, x-rays, scales and measuring tapes to help weigh and measure their teddys.
At the end of the workshop each child graduated with a Teddy Bear Hospital Certificate.
Thank you for having us.

Teddy Bear Hospital Excursion at MDA Headquarters!

Our very first Teddy Bear Hospital Excursion was launched in May with The King David School visiting the Magen David Adom Australia office.
Lots of very excited children hopped off the school’s bus and entered the MDA mock Teddy Bear Hospital.
Students together with their sick and injured teddys took part in an engaging and educational program.
All hands were on deck as the students dressed up as paramedics and took part in the triage process moving from station to station to do weighing, measuring, x-rays, bandaging and injections.
Students left the MDA mock hospital with big smiles and well recovered teddys.
Thank you for visiting us The King David School and meeting Hershy our Teddy Bear

If you would like to come to our Teddy Bear hospital, please contact Rachel at

On Yom Ha’atzmaut MDA had a wonderful day celebrating Israel’s 75th birthday at Sholem Aleichem College.

Our Community Liaisons, Carla and Rachel spent a fun filled morning educating all students from Prep to Grade 6 about MDA
and the important life saving work that we do here and in Israel.

The students asked lots of questions and were engaged in making MDA arts & crafts each uniquely decorated.

Thank you for having us Sholem Aleichem College.

Purim 2023

In the lead up to Purim, the students at Sholem Aleichem were busy making their MDA Ra’ shanim.
They loved the cutting, decorating, sticking but most of all the shaking.
We can’t wait to shake them when we hear Haman’s name
Thank you Sholem Aleichem for having us.
Chag Purim Sameach

2022 Activities

MDA join Yavneh’s Community Service Program

MDA volunteered to join Leibler Yavneh College at the launch of their community Service Program Wednesday 12 Oct 2022.
Rachel, our Community Liaison Officer spoke to the students about the life saving work Magen David Adom does here and in Israel.
We focused on MDA’s Overseas Volunteer Program and ways the students can get involved.
Baruch Goberman (ex Yavneh student) gave us an insight into the 6 years of MDA volunteering experience he did in Israel.
We enjoyed speaking to the enthusiastic students and seeing their passion for volunteering.
We loved being part of this wonderful program.
Thank you for having us Yavneh!

Rachel our Community Liaison Officer visited The Temple Beth Israel Bar and Bat Mitzvah students in September for a fun and engaging workshop learning about the important life saving work Magen David Adom does here and in Israel!
The students learnt the Importance of Tzedakah, Pikuach Nefesh & Tikkun Olam and mastered all the answers to our MDA trivia quiz.
Well done students Thank you for having us Temple Beth Israel

In August Rachel & Carla visited the ELC children at Leibler Yavneh College to present our Teddy Bear Hospital Incursion.
“Our ELC children were lucky to learn about the life-saving work of Magen David Adom Australia and practiced their new skills by being Paramedics at a makeshift Teddy Bear Hospital. We are so proud of the SKA children who also raised money for Magen David Adom. We look forward to hanging their certificate proudly in our classrooms.”

In July The Hamerkaz Bat Mitzvah girls joined in a fun & engaging workshop last week learning about the important life saving work MDA does. Lots of questions, laughter and stories were shared as girls learnt the Importance of Pikuach Nefesh.
The girls then got creative colouring in their challah bags.
Thank you for having us Hamerkaz Centre

In June Rachel & Zara visited Buddies ELC – Jasper Rd with the Junior & Seniors enjoying our Teddy Bear Hospital Incursion.
The kids got to learn all about becoming a paramedic & fixing their teddies broken bones with bandages, injections & of course cuddles!
Thanks for having us! Special Thanks to our youth volunteer Zara for helping out during her school holidays!

Aryeh Myers visit to Beth Rivkah
On Monday 7th August Year 7 & 8 Beth Rivkah Ladies College students were privileged to hear from Aryeh Myers, International Relations Manager from Magen David Adom.
Aryeh spoke about all things MDA, educating the students on the wonderful work MDA does in Israel and beyond.
The students were faced with thought provoking scenarios that sparked their enthusiasm and support for MDA.
Thank you for having us Beth Rivkah!

Teddy Bear Hospital at KDS
Carla & Rachel, our Community Liaison officers visited The King David School on Tuesday 7th of June to deliver the MDA “Teddy Bear Hospital” interactive activity. 6 Classes (Pre Kinder, 3 & 4 Year old Kinder) were able to learn about the important work of Magen David Adom and triage and treat their teddy bears with bandages, syringes, x-rays & more! We thank the KDS community for generously donating tzedakah to MDA

MDA ran a 2 hour workshop for UJEB Bat-Mitzvah girls this week.
The enthusiastic girls were engaged in learning about the life saving work MDA does here and in Israel.

Our workshop was fully packed with food, laughter, lots of Q&A’s, quiz’s and a wonderful art & craft activity making Challah bags and Challah covers for Shabbat.

2019 Activities

Bialik College
Visited MDA during their 2019 Chavayah Program

Mt Scopus Memorial College
Thank you to Alexander & Isaac Itescu for opening our 2019 Beyond A WISH Annual Appeal in June.

Yavneh College
Yavneh students implemented their first ever MUG-en David Adom fundraiser to help raise money toward the 2019 MDA Beyond A WISH Campaign.

Year 9 Yavneh students attended the Annual MDA Give for Life day in June this year, helping us call members of our database.

Sholem Aleichem College
For Yom Ha’atzmaut, Sholem Aleichem College raised over $1000 toward the MDA Beyond a WISH campaign.

MDA Representatives Sarah & Carla present Sholem school captains Mia & Ben with a certificate of appreciation

The King David School
MDA representatives spoke to Year 12 students at The King David School at the MASA Gap Year Fair in April 2019, about opportunities to volunteer with MDA in Israel when they finish school.

The grade 1’s at King David also raised money for MDA during their weekly Friday Tzedakah collections this year. The year 1’s are pictured here with MDA representative, Sarah.

Beth Rivkah Ladies College
In July, Beth Rivkah students held a pumpkin soup fundraiser for MDA! Beth Rivkah have been an ongoing support for MDA over the years. This year they raised over $1000 at their soup fundraiser.
Tzedakah Captains: Yael Franck & Faigi Sufrin Absent: Aviva Yosefovich

Bialik College
In June, Bialik College raised funds for MDA in honour of World Blood Donation Day.

Victorian Schools

Previous Years

Kol Hakavod!
Nicki Braitberg and students (Kai Raleigh, Luke Raleigh & Tyler Raleigh) from Mt Scopus Memorial College recently received a certificate of appreciation for the schools ongoing support of Magen David Adom Australia

Year 10 Mount Scopus College visited the Tel Aviv station of MDA.
Ido Golan-Gutin spoke to them about the work of Magen David Adom Israel, and showed them two movies.
They were shown the different ambulances, standard and MICU.


Beth Rivkah Students Run Nationwide Campaign for MDA
It all began when a group of Beth Rivkah College students decided to do something to support Israel. They decided to raise $22,000 for Magen David Adom to purchase a new First-Responder motorcycle.

So, they started an “I Stand With Israel” campaign. The campaign went right across Melbourne and even as far as Perth in Western Australia! Over two months, they achieved their goal. Check out the video showing just how they did it!

On 16th December 2015, an event was held at Beth Rivkah College marking the girls’ amazing achievement. On behalf of the College’s Year 11 Tzedakah Committee, Adina Teller said the following:

Two months ago, a group of us sat down in Rabbi Sufrin’s office brainstorming the most productive, yet personal, way to help and support Israel all the way from Australia.

    • • What could we, a bunch of Year 11 girls do?
    • • How could we make such a strong impact when we are so far away?
    • How can we make our impact personal?

After a few hours, we came up with the “I Stand with Israel Campaign” badges, and ordered 2500, feeling overly ambitious. We came up with the badges because it is a way for people to express their pride for our homeland, as seen in the design of the Australian map with the Israeli flag as the background.

Our ultimate goal was to raise $22,000 in order to donate a new MDA ambi-cycle, a fully-equipped medical motorcycle. We chose an ambi-cycle because, in light of the recent terror attacks in Israel, the motorcycles are able to fit through the small streets and arrive at the scene faster than any other mode of transport. MDA treats all victims regardless of their race, religion or nationality.

We were granted permission to kick off our fundraiser by selling the badges at “The Great Glick’s Challah Bake”. After seeing our success, we got in contact with numerous Jewish Day Schools across Australia in order to expand our campaign. This rocketed the campaign and donations began flooding in, both through the selling of the badges in schools and outside “Glick’s Cakes and Bagels” on Carlisle Street, and through the GoFundMe account that was created.

Other schools created additional fundraisers to help out, such as the MDAchallenge on Facebook, established by Yavneh College, and selling baked goods and icy-poles. In the past few weeks, numerous donors have generously given large sums of money to help us reach our final goal – and we’re proud to say that we’ve reached our goal!

So, on behalf of the Year 11 Tzedakah Committee, I’d like to thank Rabbi Sufrin for enabling us achieve such amazing things this year, not only with the MDA fundraiser, but with tzedakah throughout the year. Thanks to all the Jewish Day Schools, communities and donors across Australia who have helped us impact the lives of so many Israeli citizens with the purchase of this ambi-cycle. Even if one life is saved by it, then it is worth it!

schoolsMDA Victoria Co-President, Glynis Lipson, presents Beth Rivkah College with a Certificate of Appreciation
Thank you to everyone at Beth Rivkah College for organising this incredible campaign. A special thank you to all the other Jewish Day Schools which supported their efforts and to all the donors to this campaign for your amazing generosity!

Bialik College Students Visited MDA Petach Tikva Station and Learn CPR

In December 2015, a large group of Bialik College students the MDA Petach Tikva Station where, as well as touring the station, they were given a short instruction in Basic CPR by MDA volunteers their own age – Eli and Tehila.


schools3Following the instruction and practice, the students saw a presentation on MDA lifesaving vehicles, along with the advanced equipment used by MDA teams, some of whom are, again, young people their own age.

One of the Bialik students commented, “It’s impressive to meet students, like us, in Israel who are saving lives. This visit was very important. I enjoyed learning about the organisation and also receiving the basic tools to save a life.”

The MDA Australia Desk Manager of the International Relations Department said that, “The Jewish community in Australia is very connected with MDA and we’re always happy to host visits by families, individuals and large school groups who support MDA.”

MDA Paramedics Visit Jewish Schools

In July 2015, MDA Paramedic Ravit Martinez visited several Jewish schools, speaking of her experiences as part of the first international rescue team to land in Nepal following that country’s devastating earthquake.

schools4She told students of the difficulties treating the injured with no mains electricity and being surrounded by devastation, with people sleeping in the streets for fear of after-shocks.

Ravit also asked students what they would do if faced with the paramedics’ internal moral dilemma when required to treat some Palestinians whom they know, given other circumstances, would probably pose a danger to Israel and its citizens.

Ido Golan-Gutin, from MDA’s International Desk, also told students how important it was to MDA Israel to receive support from Jewish communities around the world, just like Victoria’s.


– Year 11 Global Politics class and all of Year 9.
Our sincere thanks to Dan Sztrajt and Brad Rychter for helping to arrange our visit to their school.

– the school’s Year 5 Shabbes Class raised $2,600 towards MDA Victoria’s Nepal Emergency Appeal. Thank you everyone!

– Ravit speaks to the school’s Year 10

– Ravit speaks to the school’s Years 11 and 12

Thank You, Leibler Yavneh College!

In order to raise money for Magen David Adom, forty two Year 8 students staged an 18 HOUR sponsored walk!

As a result, they raised almost $6,000.
To the school staff and all the students involved, we say THANK YOU on behalf of the people of Israel!